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Friedens is always looking for volunteers in various capacities. Most committees meet once a month. Please click on the Contact button below to send an email about your desire to join one of our service groups. 

  • Liturgist – The liturgist will read the call to worship and the scripture during the service. Volunteers are on a rotating basis.

  • Usher – The ushers hand out the bulletins and other information at the beginning of the service while they greet people. If an usher notices a visitor they are to give the visitor a Friedens gift and welcome them to our church. They collect the offering during the worship service. They assist people when needed to their seats. They collect prayer cards during the first song. They collect any trash left in the pews after the service and close the blinds.

  • Acolyte –These are youth that light the altar candles and open the altar Bible during the prelude music. During the last song they light the candle lighter from an altar candle, extingish the altar candles, and close the Bible. They then walk down the aisle bringing the light of Christ into the world.

  • Fellowship Hour – The fellowship hour is after the church service and during the Sunday School hour. Doughnuts are delivered to the church and volunteers set up tables and chairs, brew coffee, bring milk, and juice to serve. After the fellowship hour they wash dishes, wipe down the kitchen, and put the tables and chairs away.

  • Choir – Contact our church office for more information.

  • Praise Sound – Leads the congregation in song and performs special music.

  • Musicians – We are always looking for musicians to enrich our musical experience during worship. We especially are looking for guitarists and drummers.

    Sanctuary Committee – This committee prepares the sanctuary for worship in coordination with the pastor. They change the banners and paraments to reflect the season, they make sure the altar candles have oil, they decorate the altar, they make sure there are wicks in the candlelighters, they decorate the whole sanctuary for the seasons, and whatever needs to be done for the sanctuary.

  • Evangelism – Throughout the year they host fundraising events to help those in need both from Friedens and our wider community. They also host social events for the church and wider community.

    Mission statement: To spread the spirit and words of Christ to all.

    To welcome all to worship in our services at Friedens United Church of Christ.

    To encounter Christ in each person by treating all with love, trust and respect.

    To reach out to our greater community and help those in need.

  • Christian Education -We are in need of teachers and volunteers to help our children learn and grow in their faith.

  • Stewardship – They focus on the time, talent, and treasures of Friedens.

  • Connections Team – Their mission is to promote the Church family through active participation in church ministries; reconnect and strengthen relationships through spiritual growth within the Church.

  • Youth Activities – We are looking for volunteers to help with youth activities. This may be an outing or an activity at church.

  • Funeral Luncheon Helper – This group sets up tables and chairs in the fellowship hall for funeral luncheons and sets out the food for the luncheon, then cleans up afterwards.

  • Live-streaming camera person – This person runs the camera during the worship service or other special events for live-streaming. It will be on a rotating basis with other volunteers.