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Special Collections and Fund Raisers

Special Collections and Fund Raisers
Special Collections and Fund Raisers

Special Collections

  • We  donate  needed items for various groups and agencies in our community and beyond.  These items are collected by our members, our Sunday School children, and our Senior High Youth.  Items donated have been:
  • Personal care items for the F.I.S.H. organization
  • Clothing and toys for foster families
  • Thanksgiving dinners for the Ronald McDonald Houses
  • Christmas gifts and items for the Christmas store at Every Child’s Hope
  • Backpacks to the St. Charles, Francis Howell, Fort Zumwalt, and Wentzville School Districts
  • Christmas gifts for the mothers and their children at Our Ladies Inn
  • Items for babies at Lydia’s House
Special Collections and Fund Raisers

Fund Raisers

  • We hold special fund raiser events throughout the year or we simply ask for donations for a particular cause.
  • We have collected funds to help with disasters throughout the year, for example the fires in Hawaii, the relief efforts in the Ukraine, and the damage from fires and flooding in our country.
  • We have helped Null Elementary School purchase much needed chairs and choir risers.
  • We have held Rock n Roll Bingos to raise money for Our Ladies Inn and Emmaus Homes.
  • Our children collect “Noisy Offering” the first Sunday of the month during the worship service.  They have raised money for school lunches in the St. Charles School District, Our Ladies Inn, families in need, and the outdoor ministries of the MO Mid-South Conference of the United Church of Christ.