Peace Kids Pre K - 6th Grade

Peace Kids – because Friedens translated from
German to English is Peace.
During the worship service the children are encouraged to come to the front of the church for the Children’s Moment. On the first Sunday of every month the children collect “Noisy Offering,” from the congregation which benefits various organizations/missions in the community.
Following the worship service the children and their parents are invited to “Fun-day School” starting with music then continuing with the scripture lesson and theme related crafts and games. “Fun-day School” is over at 11:00.
Sunday School teachers:
Pre-K – Kindergarten – Mary
1st – 3rd grade – Laura
4th – 6th grade – Ruth
Music – Karen
*All Friedens Sunday School teachers have been background checked and have undergone boundary training.
Questions? Need more information?
Please use the Contact button below.
Church Squad Youth Grades 8 - 12
Church Squad participates with their peers in Sunday School on Sunday Mornings. After the worship service they go downstairs to the Church Squad room with their teachers, Mrs. Barb and Mr. Rick, to discuss their faith and learn about the Bible.

Confirmation Grade 7

Contact the pastor for more information.
Adult Sunday School All adults are welcome
Adults meet in the Hospitality Room each Sunday after worship to discuss the worship service’s sermon topic and scripture.
Adult Bible Study All are welcome

Bible study meets in the Conference room on Tuesday nights at 7:00 and on Wednesday mornings at 9:00.
The group will read through certain books of the Bible and will discuss the meaning behind the scriptures given the cultural and historical context of the time. They may also read other commentaries and/or translations of the Bible.